Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Love For Tea

As a lover of tea and an avid tea drinker since the age of 5 my friend Katie suggested I try the hot spot for tea David's Tea.

David Segal is the brains behind this popular growing chain, he opened his first store in Montreal in 2008 after years of wondering why there wasn't a place you could go for a decent cup of tea. Today David, has a permanent collection of over 100 teas and has stores going up all over the country.

On my first visit to the store I was mesmerized by the collection of teas. I didn't even know where to begin. So I asked the lovely ladies behind the desk to pull some of their favourites for me. The people who work at David's Tea are phenomenal they are very knowledgeable about all the teas and the health benefits they can provide for you.

I decided to go for the Forever Nuts an herbal tea that is a nutty jumble of almonds, apple bits. cinnamon and beetroot. At David's Tea they allow you to smell all the tea's from the canister before you choose one so you can visualize the taste. The heavenly aroma alone from Forever Nuts had me salivating and once it cooled down enough to try it, it was amazing.

Last night I went there again as I just love it and decided to try one of the fall favourites Cocoa paradiso. I had it as a latte and it was again very tasty. I even bought a bunch of it so I can drink it every day as I think its the best tasting thing since chocolate milk. It also has great health benefits as all the teas do. This one in particular has been used to control weight, lower cholesterol and aid digestion. How can you go wrong?

I am glad to see that tea is becoming so popular and can't wait to continue trying all the different tea's David's Tea has to offer. Let the tea revolution begin!

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