Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let's Go To The Ex

Yesterday Emlie, Adrienne and I decided to re-live our youth at the good old CNE! We had a great time riding the rides, eating our Tiny Tom donuts and relaxing with a few beverages at the beer tent listening to some Latino band.

It was a nostalgic feeling being back at the EX. Every year as a kid my Mom and Aunt would take my sister and I and my two cousin's to the CNE. It was always our last adventure together before we headed back to school. We always had the time of our lives riding all the rides and getting high on sugar. As I walked around last night it brought back a lot of these fond memories.

For anyone who hasn't been to the EX this year I highly recommend it! It's a great place to unwind and be a kid again. The rides are always fun and I swear some date back over 20 years ago. The food is fattening and fabulous! The big thing everyone is talking about this year is the deep fried butter. I opted out of that one but I hear it's amazing. Other foods new this year deep fried mac and cheese and chocolate covered bacon. So check it out!

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